Tlingit style Brown Bear Mother Mask, hand carved by Robert Barratt

February 18, 2016

Artist’s Statement:

(13” x 9 1/4” x 5” alder, copper, paua shell, mother of pearl, pigments)
This is a Brown Bear Mother Mask in the Tlingit style, inspired by the familiar story, common to many tribes on the north coast, of the high ranking young woman who unwittingly accepts the help of a handsome young man who turns out to be a bear chief. After spending the winter hibernation together, she gives birth to two sons, here depicted in inquisitive human form emerging from their mother’s ears.
Unlike the previous version of this mask, I have the hands of the children coming out onto the forehead and to facilitate carving, I did their faces separate from the mask. This gave me an opportunity to turn their heads both to create some asymmetry and give each one its own distinct character. This bear mask is very ‘maternal’ in that it is not a fanged bear, but a nurturing mother bear with a calm rather than threatening or powerful demeanor. Enjoy!
February 15, 2016 Robert Barratt






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